Thursday, 10 February 2011

Stooopid uni :(

Hello hounds and humans alike. Sorry iv been away for a few days mom has started uni again (stupid invention, if i ever find the guy who did create it, he'd be herded into a pen and never let out again!!!) so she has been hogging my lappytop.

Not much to inform you all of really. We are having our annual break from agility training whilst Auntie Theresa goes and helps hounds out in India (i think thats what she said) all i heard was it will be hot, and i only noticed this cos i dont like the heat. It doesn't help when your mostly black as you seem to attract it :(

Oh i am liking me new food very much, it's so much better than those little biscuity things mom used to give me. Admittedly i did eat them but only cos i had to. This new stuff is so much better and it keeps my teeths clean at the same time too :) plus mom said it takes me longer to eat it so it keeps me quieter longer, personally i dont know where she gets that im noisy from hehehe ;)

Anyway i is off to chase some sheep in my dreams, i might jump some hurdles there too

Night all

Dotster xxx


  1. Awweh yay! Glad your enjoying your yummy food. :D I bet it is a lot nicer then the boring old biscuits, haha. Have fun chasing those sheeps and jumping those hurdles! (:

  2. Hi Dotster, this is Doglovinggal's dog from the forum. Hope you had fun chasing sheep. I have been jumping hurdles too lol.Aww how cruel is your Mum, hogging the lappytop like that. Tut tut! What was she thinking! How will you be able to keep us updated :[
